Cupping Therapy Massage In Norwich

Cupping Therapy Massage

Cupping Therapy is an ancient Eastern form of alternative medicine which encourages oxygen and blood flow into the muscles therefore reducing the build up of lactic acid and tension in the muscular fibres. 

Special cups made of Silicone are placed onto your skin to create suction. The suction is created inside the cup with a special pump, which causes the skin to rise and this brings the blood flow to the area. Cups are applied to hairless smooth areas of skin because if hair is present a suction seal is not created, so shaving may need to occur prior to treatment.

People get this type of deep tissue massage for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being. Recent research has shown using cupping massage can induce; a strong anti-inflammatory responses both locally and systemically. It can improve and boost the immune system. Also have surprising effects on organ health, help clear metabolic waste and congestion effecting organs and tissues.

Please inform us if you are on any blood thinning medication such as Warfarin.

To book a Massage click here:

Rebecca Geanty Lic.Ac. BSc (Hons) MBAcC

Treat’s founder and proprietor Rebecca works as a registered Traditional Acupuncturist, specialising in natural fertility for men and women. With over eleven years experience running her own practice and a BsC (Hons) from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM) she has helped countless patients with a variety of mental, emotional and physical conditions.

In 2010 Rebecca created Norwich Acupuncture Rooms at The Orange Grove Clinic as a way of making acupuncture more accessible and affordable to a wide range of people. In China acupuncture is a very common practice and recommended weekly to begin with for effective treatment. Rebecca’s goal was to replicate this in the Western world with the multi-bed setting to allow patients the option of weekly treatment at a more affordable price.

A year later Rebecca also set up the Acupuncture Childbirth Team for East Anglia (ACT), which acts as an acupuncture network for other practitioners to share and learn information on natural birth techniques and pregnancy-related complaints. 

Rebecca’s latest passion is treat – a unique holistic clinic where the practitioners all strive to work together for the people of Norwich; combining their skills and knowledge in providing one-to-one care and group sessions/workshops, which empower and educate people to reach a state of well-being and contentment. Norwich Acupuncture Rooms is now an integral part of treat-norwich Complementary Health Clinic.

Therapies Duration Price
Acupuncture Private Women's Health 1.5 hrs £70
Acupuncture Private Follow up 1 hour 15 minutes £52
Affordable Multibed Clinic 1 hour 15 minutes £38 | Over 65's £38 | Unwaged £32
Cupping Private 45 minutes £42
Fertility Acupuncture (men and women) 1.5 hour (1st app) (then Multibed or private follow up) £70 (Multibed £38)
IVF Transfer Acupuncture 1 hour £44
Pregnancy Acupuncture 1 hour 15 minutes (1st app) (then Multibed or private follow up) £52 (Multibed £38)
Acupressure for labour Instruction  2 hours £80

To book an appointment with Rebecca:

Tuesday (Private) 9am to 6pm
Wednesday (Multi-bed) 8.45am to 12.30pm and 2.30pm to 6.15pm
Thursday (Multi-bed) 9.30am to 12.30pm and (Private) 2.30pm to 7pm
Friday (Multi-bed every other) 8.45am to 12.30pm and (Private) 2.30pm to 5:30pm Every other Friday is am is private.

Rebecca's email: [email protected] (please contact Reception for bookings or use our online booking.

Sam Coxeter Lic.Ac. BSc (Hons)

As a busy father of two young children, I can fully appreciate the stresses that come with modern day living. We are all constantly juggling, and I fully understand how this can feel overwhelming sometimes. That’s why your self-care is so important. Sometimes we need to put our own health first, so we are fully fit, and prepared for whatever life throws at us. That’s why I take a holistic approach to acupuncture, providing treatments to support your overall wellbeing, as well as focusing on any specific issues you may have. Treatments are aimed at uncovering the underlying cause of your symptoms and health concerns, helping the body to repair, and re-balance naturally. My aim as your practitioner is not only to help you with your symptoms, but to create a space where you feel calm, relaxed, and supported throughout your sessions.

My interest in health and bodywork began over twenty years ago through practising Tai Chi and Qigong. I was immediately fascinated with the concept of Qi and how this energy interacted within us, and the environment. This fascination led me down various paths of complementary medicine over the years, including kinesiology, reiki, and massage. Throughout this time, I met some amazing people, and attended many kinesiology courses. It was through this training that I became increasingly aware of the deeper roots involved in some of the kinesiology I was learning, such as, Chinese medicine.

A few years later I enrolled at the University of Westminster where I studied and completed a degree in acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Having practiced acupuncture professionally now for over eight years, I have treated a very wide range of conditions, some of these include: pain relief, stress, anxiety, depression, fertility, headaches, migraines, digestive issues, nausea, chronic fatigue, gynaecology, insomnia, and plenty more. I am more than willing to discuss any questions you may have regarding your own symptoms. I offer both private one to one treatment, and I also offer multi-bed sessions. For more information about these options please explore the website. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me.

Therapies Duration Price
Acupuncture Private Initial 1.5 hrs £70
Acupuncture Private Follow up 1 hour £52
Affordable Multibed Clinic 1 hour 15 minutes £38 | Unwaged £32
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture 1.5 hours £72
Cupping Private 45 minutes £42
Fertility Acupuncture  1.5 hrs (1st appt) (then Multibed) £70 (Multibed £38)
IVF Transfer Acupuncture  1 hour £52
Pregnancy Acupuncture  1 hour 15 minutes(1st appt) (then Multibed) £52 (Multibed £38)

To book an appointment with Sam, press here:

Monday (Multi-bed) 10.30am to 2.30pm
Tuesday (Private) 9.45am to 2pm
Wednesday (Private) 10.30am to 2pm
Thursday (Multi-bed) 4pm to 8.30pm
Friday (Private) 10.30am to 2pm
Saturday (Multi-bed) 9am to 2.15pm

For more information visit Sam's website

Liz Douglas Lic.Ac. BSc (Hons)

Liz is a licensed acupuncture practitioner, gaining a BSc (Hons) Degree in Acupuncture from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM) in Reading in 2019. She practices an integrated approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture. Liz specialises in treating children, holding a Diploma in Paediatric Acupuncture (2022). Liz is fully regulated and insured with the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC)

Liz has a special interest in a variety of conditions, particularly post-operative pain, circulatory conditions, digestive complaints, headaches and migraines, menopause and menstrual health. Liz enjoys being able to offer multi-bed treatments to make frequent treatment more affordable to those who would otherwise be unable to access holistic healthcare.

Liz uses a combined approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Element Acupuncture. Classical Five Element acupuncture is based on the Five Elements of nature: fire, earth, metal, water and wood. Each of these five elements is within each of us and symptoms and diseases occur when these elements become unbalanced. Treatment using the Five Elements deals with the underlying causes
of disease rather than just treating the symptoms. The aim of Five Element acupuncture is to bring each of the elements back into balance to prevent disease from reoccurring.

Liz believes a collaborated approach to care improves the health and wellbeing of individuals and so is always happy to speak with your other healthcare providers and work alongside them and with you reviewing treatment often to ensure your symptoms are improving and you have all the information available to you to take ownership of your health.

When Liz became a mother of two this sparked her interest in how acupuncture could help young people. Liz recently completed a Diploma in Paediatric Acupuncture and now specialises in the treatment of children and young people. Liz will treat babies from newborn and uses a very gentle approach and has many non-needle techniques to help restore balance in the body. This may include Tui-Na massage which can be taught to parents / carers to use at home and in-between treatments. A childs Qi is so vital that minimal intervention is needed. Usually only one or two needles may be used on very small children if at all. Smallstick-on seeds or tiny pyonex can be used instead if the child isn’t sure about having needles. Liz aims to make the child as comfortable and relaxed as possible, hoping that acupuncture is a time in the week the child looks forward to. There is a collection of toys and books in the treatment room and she is always happy to speak to the parent before the consultation to talk though any concerns, and anything that would be easier to discuss without the child present. Liz fully understands how much the wellbeing of a child can have an effect on the whole family.

Liz holds a space for everyone to come and take a breath and work together towards restoring balance. If you have any questions or would like to know if treatment would be suitable for your child, please do not hesitate to email Liz to arrange a phone call at [email protected].

Liz is a member of the international Hub of Paediatric Acupuncture (HOPA) which has a great section for parents explaining the benefits of acupuncture for children.

You can also find out more about the common ailments acupuncture can help support for children and what to expect from a treatment on my website

Therapies Duration Price
Pre School Initial Acupuncture 0-9 Years  1 hour £50
Children's Acupuncture Initial 6-16 Years 1.5 hrs £65
Pre School and Children's Follow up 45 minutes £40
Acupuncture Private Initial 1.5 hrs £70
Acupuncture Private Follow up 1 hour £52
Affordable Multibed Clinic 1 hour 15 minutes £38 | Unwaged £32
Cupping Private 45 minutes £42
Fertility Acupuncture 1.5 hrs (1st appt) (then Multibed) £70 (Multibed £38)
IVF Transfer Acupuncture 1 hour £52
Pregnancy Acupuncture 1 hour 15 minutes(1st appt) (then Multibed) £52 (Multibed £38)

To book an appointment with Liz press here: 

Monday (Multi-bed) 2pm to 9pm
Tuesday (Private) 8.45am to 2pm and  (Multi-bed) 2pm to 9.30pm
Wednesday (Multi-bed)  8.45am to 2.30pm 

For more information visit Liz's website.

Annie Astbury, Lic.Ac, BA (Hons), MAAC (Member of Association of Acupuncture Clinicians)

Annie discovered a holistic approach to her body, mind and spirit through her own yoga practice, at the age of 17. Yoga introduced her to the concept of ‘prana’ (primary energy in Sanskrit) this
unravelled an intrigue to discover more about ancient eastern philosophy and medicine.

Whilst working on a yoga retreat in Portugal, she was introduced to Five Element Acupuncture. Fascinted by the concept of diagnosing and treating a person’s element – Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. She needed to learn more, but it wasn’t until many years later that she has the opportunity to study this incredible form of medicine at The Acupuncture Academy in Leamington Spa.

Studying for her Licentiate for 4 years she feels she has opened a book that will never be closed. A world of endless intrigue, discovery and amazement at the power and depth of Classical Chinese Medicine. 

In the clinic, Annie’s approach offers each patient a tailored diagnosis of their health needs. During a thorough initial consultation, Annie will diagnose your element and any imbalances in your body, mind and spirit through detailed questioning, physical palpation and pulse and tongue diagnosis. Annie uses very fine (0.18mm guage needles) and she will work with your breath when inserting the needles to enable a more relaxed and painless treatment. She will create a bespoke treatment plan, to suit your body’s needs and will discuss this with you.

Annie has experience treating a wide range of conditions.

  • Musculoskeletal issues - neck, shoulder, back and knee pain.
  • Women's health - PMS, fertility, pre and post birth, menopause
  • Nervous system regulation - Sleep disorders, headaches, migraines,
  • Emotional health - anxiety, depression, grief, PTSD
  • Neurological disorders - Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bells Palsy
  • Digestive issues - IBS, acid reflux, appetite
  • Stress - contributing to heightened blood pressure & cholesterol
  • Recovery to health- long covid, stroke rehab, shingles

If you have any questions or would like to know whether acupuncture could be suitable for you, Annie offers a free 15 minute phone consultation. Contact reception to book on 01603 514195. Annie offers private appointments on a Tuesday at Treat. 

Therapies Duration Price
Acupuncture Private Initial 1.5 hours £70
Acupuncture Private Follow up 1 hour £52
Pregnancy Acupuncture 1 hour 15 minutes £52
Cupping Therapy 45 minutes £42

To book an appointment with Annie, press here:

Tuesdays - (Private) 9:30am to 3pm

For more information visit Annie's website