treat-norwich the perfect place for pregnancy, mother and baby
Treat has been hiding it’s light under a bushel when it comes to the practitioners with specialist skills for mums-to-be, new mums and babies. We won’t claim to be “Norfolk’s leading Birth Expert”. Hundreds of midwives and obstetricians in Norfolk earn that title everyday, but we do have a great team of practitioners with specialist skills in all things pregnancy, mum and baby, and we thought it was high time we blew their trumpet.
At a time when NHS birth preparation services are constrained by financial pressures Treat has regular classes that can help mums-to-be access essential information and services throughout their pregnancy and to prepare for childbirth and beyond.
Meet the Team
Molly O’Brien is a midwife with a lifetime of practice dedicated to helping women have a normal birth. She still works on the MLBU at the N&N, is an associate lecturer at the UEA and travels all over Europe teaching midwifery skills. At Treat she runs Hypnobirthing courses, a Moving for an Easier Birth class (exercises, positions and techniques to help reduce discomfort during pregnancy and labour and help get baby into the best position for birth), runs a free introductory class for pregnant women every month and offer one on one consultations by arrangement.
Rosie Taylor is a physiotherapist and newish mum. She has a special interest in pregnancy and postnatal rehabilitation. She runs Pregnancy Yoga Classes to help maintain fitness and manage discomfort, Physioyoga a postnatal Core Restore Program combining yoga and physiotherapy exercise that helps to rebuild pelvic floor and core abdominal strength after childbirth. Rosie also offers one on one consultations and specialises in physiotherapy for children.
Rosie - practicing what she preaches in a pregnancy yoga class
Claire Gurney is Treat’s Pilates teacher. She has specialist training in pilates for pregnancy and runs regular Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates classes that help retain core body strength through pregnancy.
Jane Sheehan runs a specialist six-week course in Reflexology for babies and toddlers teaching simple techniques that can help soothe and calm baby.
One on one support for everything from discomfort in pregnancy to natural induction
Rebecca Geanty and the acupuncture team specialise in treating pregnancy related conditions including morning sickness, tension, back pain, headaches, anxiety and sinus congestion. We also offer moxibustion (the smouldering of the herb artemisia vulgaris latiflora) traditionally used to encourage breech babies to adopt a head-down position for labour. Women near or past their due date (from 41 weeks only with the OK from a midwife) can be given acupuncture treatment to balance their energy and encourage the natural onset of labour, prior to a medical induction.
Rebecca also trains the birth partners to carry out Acupressure for labour used primarily to help with pain relief.
Pregnancy massage to help relieve discomfort, relax and soothe aches and pains.
Vicki Taylor offers Induction Massage, using essential oils, acupressure to stimulate contractions and help relaxation and a points to help start contractions. This is a treatment aimed at women at term and especially women who have been recommended induction.
Vicki Taylor offers Pregnancy Massage designed to sooth, relax and relieve discomfort such as lower back pain
Annie Blunt, a psychotherapist with a strong background in family and childhood issues, offers support for relationships, parenting and treatment for post traumatic stress following difficult labour.
Kirsty Williams is a fully qualified nutritional therapist who has a keen interest in health and healthy eating. Kirsty offer one to one advice on Infant and maternal nutrition
Gary Collins is a Craniosacral Therapist who offers services for pregnant women and babies.
To book a treatment or buy a gift voucher please call treat's Reception Team: 01603 514195 or [email protected]